
Python ist my programming language of choice. I like its simplicity, readability and that the standard library includes so much usefull stuff. And if you need something special, propably someone build it already - just search on pypi.

This here is a small list of articles I should (re)read or that are interesting in some way or another.


  • asome python: A curated list of python projects and libraries. Search here before heading to pypi, github or the duck
  • python cheatsheet: a collection of cheat sheets for python
  • flit: My favorite build tool
  • click: CLIs simplified

standard library

things i should use but often forget

  • chardet: Character encoding auto-detection in Python.
  • decouple: Get parameters from the environment
  • ftfy: The goal of ftfy is to take in bad Unicode and output good Unicode
  • loguru: Python logging made (stupidly) simple
  • pendulum: Python datetimes made easy
  • tqdm: Add a progress meter to your loops in a second

pyramid and other web stuff

  • awsome pyramid: another curated list, this time for pyramid
  • passlib: Password hashing library
  • pyramid: for me, the web application framework of choice
  • fastapi: a modern, fast, asynchronous web framework
  • uwsgi: wsgi application server.

data exploration, etc.

talks, presentations, etc.

  • PyConDE: Youtube channel of the German python conference

assorted stuff

  • asynchronous programming in python: well, the title says it all.
  • background: Runs things in the background.
  • geopy: geocoding library for python with multiple backends
  • mistletoe: A fast, extensible Markdown parser in pure Python. Might be a replacement for mistune
  • pyinstaller:PyInstaller is a program that freezes (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX.
  • python-phonenumbers: Python port of Google's libphonenumber. I don't know if I'll ever use it. But there is this one project (as usual)

old stuff, that I'm now more or less used to

  • pathlib: I need to get used to this. So much cleaner than os.path