The challenge is the PyPI project URLs spec is defined only in code. Here's my cheatsheet explaining how to configure them. I'll update this as I learn more (suggestions welcome!). Examples in several formats.
Making Plots With plotnine – Data Analysis and Visualization in Python for Ecologists
Python has powerful built-in plotting capabilities such as matplotlib, but for this episode, we will be using the plotnine package, which facilitates the creation of highly-informative plots of structured data based on the R implementation of ggplot2 and The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson. The plotnine package is built on top of Matplotlib and interacts well with Pandas.
WeasyPrint is a smart solution helping web developers to create PDF documents. It turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous
GitHub - ikalchev/HAP-python: A python implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP)
HomeKit Accessory Protocol implementation in python 3. With this project, you can integrate your own smart devices and add them to your iOS Home app.
Things get a lot more interesting once you’re comfortable with the fundamentals and start with Reshaping and Pivot Tables. That guide shows some of the more interesting functions of reshaping data. Below are some visualizations to go along with the Pandas reshaping guide.
A Natural Language Processing (NLP) Primer | by Alan Davies | Towards Data Science
Natural Language Processing NLP is used to analyse textual data. This could be data from web sites, scanned documents, books, journals, Tweets, YouTube comments to name but a few sources. This primer introduces some of the common NLP tasks that can be carried out using Python. Examples mostly use the Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) and scikit learn packages.
GitHub - SethMMorton/natsort: Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
Overview — MicroPython 1.19.1 documentation
MicroPython runs on a variety of systems and hardware platforms. Here you can read the general documentation which applies to all systems, as well as specific information about the various platforms - also known as ports - that MicroPython runs on.
ThreadPoolExecutor in Python: The Complete Guide
The Python ThreadPoolExecutor allows you to create and manage thread pools in Python.
Although the ThreadPoolExecutor has been available since Python 3.2, it is not widely used, perhaps because of misunderstandings of the capabilities and limitations of Threads in Python.
stevedore – Manage Dynamic Plugins for Python Applications — stevedore 4.1.0.dev1 documentation
stevedore avoids creating yet another extension mechanism by building on top of entry points. The code for managing entry points tends to be repetitive, though, so stevedore provides manager classes for implementing common patterns for using dynamically loaded extensions.
SQLAlchemy-Utils — SQLAlchemy-Utils 0.38.3 documentation
SQLAlchemy-Utils provides custom data types and various utility functions for SQLAlchemy.
GitHub - cak/secure: Secure 🔒 headers for Python web frameworks 🔒 is a lightweight package that adds optional security headers for Python web frameworks.
GitHub - joerick/pyinstrument: 🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
Pyinstrument is a Python profiler. A profiler is a tool to help you optimize your code - make it faster. To get the biggest speed increase you should focus on the slowest part of your program. Pyinstrument helps you find it!
Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs – Real Python
GitHub - asweigart/humre: A human-readable regular expression module for Python.
A human-readable regular expression module for Python. Humre handles regex syntax for you and creates regex strings to pass to Python's re.compile(). Pronounced "hum, ree".
Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python. Underlying file system notifications are handled by the Notify rust library.
Validate Email Addresses in Python with email-validator
It is an easy to use, yet robust, Python library used to validate email addresses.
An Introduction to Just Enough Cython to be Useful | Peter Baumgartner
In this blog post I’ll walk you through all three of these incremental approaches in solving a problem using Cython. The problem we’re going to solve is the first problem from Advent of Code 2021. The problem is to take a list of integers (depths) and count the number of times each value in the list is higher than the previous value.